AIPH - Associazione Italiana di Public History
3rd AIPH National Conference
Invito alla Storia
venerdì 28 giugno 2019
Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
viale Ellittico, 31 (Complesso Ex Poste)
81100 Caserta
FRIDAY 28th of JUNE Room 3, first floor09:30 - 11:00
Panel AIPH51Speakers:
Stefania MANNI,
Repositories:Informers of Digital History – Italian experiencesPaola FOSCARO e
Federica VIGNATI,
BibliostoriaElena FRANCHINI,
Filosofia & StoriaStefania MANNI,
Digital History: History content onlineSerge NOIRET,
The EHPS repository of Open Access primary sources for the History of EuropeRoom 4, first floor09:30 - 11:00
Panel AIPH52Speakers:
Aldo Giuseppe SCARSELLI,
Gaming the past: Public History and Video GamesCarmine RUOCCO,
War in video games beyond HollywoodAldo Giuseppe SCARSELLI,
Can Resistenza be played? Video games and European Resistance HeritageValerio LARCHER,
National imagery in Grand Strategy GamesRoom “Appia”, first floor09:30 - 11:00
Panel AIPH53Speakers:
History teaching in the school as Public History?Michela NOCITA,
Storytelling sea: history of ancient and modern migration at schoolAgnese PORTINCASA,
The Digital Teacher’s Desk: the challenges of teaching historyUmberto ROBERTO,
History on Tv and RadioEnrico VALSERIATI,
The Alternanza Scuola Lavoro and the historical sciencesRoom C, first floor09:30 - 11:00
Panel AIPH54Speakers:
Maria Gabriella GRIBAUDI,
The memory of natural catastrophe. The stories of the experience and their publishingAnna Maria ZACCARIA and Sara ZIZZARI,
Governance dynamics and housing paths of the post-earthquakeSilvia LOTTI,
ReaGenti alla riscossa. A digital archive for the memory of earthquakesGabriele Ivo MOSCARITOLO,
The role of memory in the prevention of seismic risk. Testimonies on the 1980 earthquakeMaria Laura LONGO,
Between history and memory. Bradyseism of 1970 and 1982-84 retold by inhabitants of PozzuoliRoom D, first floor09:30 - 11:00
Panel AIPH55Speakers:
Parri network reviews and Public HistoryAgostino BISTARELLI,
Public History in “Italia Contemporanea”Mirco CARRATTIERI,
A networking network:“E-Review” and Public HistoryFlavio FEBBRARO,
Public History on Web history teaching: work in progressAlessandro CASELLATO e
Public History oustiside network: «Venetica» from 1984 onRoom C, first floor11:30 - 13:00
Panel AIPH56Speakers:
Raffaele MANDUCA,
Instilling emotions. Images, violence and popular passions in Sicily between the 17th ans the 19th CenturiesPlacido CURRÒ,
Men in revolt. Images and emotions in the popular agitations of the Sicilian 17th CenturyRaffaele MANDUCA,
Passion and Fury. Narrative and iconography of revolutionary violence in Sicily in the first half of the 19th CenturyAntonino TERAMO,
Farmers’ fears: the repression of the Sicilian Leagues (Fasci Siciliani) in the story and in the images of Gustavo NESTIRoom D, first floor11:30 - 13:00
Panel AIPH57Speakers:
Digital (public) HistoryKresno BRAHMANTYO,
Digital history repository of Towns and CitiesJessica M. MASUCCI,
Communicating with the podcast, a new digital frontier for the diffusion of History voiceLuigi SERRA,
Satellite and bits to navigate HistoryDanilo SUPINO,
Data visual history: a new historical communicationRoom 4, first floor11:30 - 13:00
Panel AIPH58Speakers:
Historical Landscapes: Valorization and ProtectionAntonio COLAPIETRO, Gennaro Maria MONTI and
Approaching to historical and production landscapes in South-East suburb of RomeAlessia DE SANTIS and
Claudia Stella Valeria GEREMIA,
Public history and sustainable developmentGabriela HÄBICH, Maria Teresa NATALE,
Cultural Itineraries and routes for a shared reading of historical landscapesRoom “Appia”, first floor11:30 - 13:00
Panel AIPH59Speakers:
Samanta MARIOTTI and Nina MAROTTA,
By playing is an other (Hi)storySamanta MARIOTTI and Nina MAROTTA,
Active engagement experiences with children for History learningKatie LOUTA,
The cost of freedom, a digital gameIlaria ROMEO,
Our memory between playing and learning. The Trade Unions QUIZ: the CGIL gameRoom “Appia”, first floor11:30 - 13:00
Panel AIPH60Speakers:
Domenico Matteo FRISONE,
Alcohol and public history: from university courses to Angastare, Best practices and communication methodologiesThomas CAUVIN,
Public History teaching through the History of Beer and Brewing traditionsDomenico Matteo FRISONE,
Alcohol as a communication expedient: The Pint History Live’s ExperiencePietro BARSOTTI,
Alcohol as a medicine and re-enactment beverage: reconstructive experiencesRoom 2, ground floor12:00 - 14:00
Round Table 5 – Horal History and Public History – AISOChair:
Alessandro CASELLATORoberta GARRUCCIOAntonio FLORIDIASpeakers:
Graziella BONANSEA
Gabriella GRIBAUDI
Gilda ZAZZARARoom 3, first floor14:30 - 16:00
Panel AIPH61Speakers:
Amalia GALDI,
The weight of identity examined by the medievalist. Confrontation, integration and coexistence of the many alterities of the medieval MezzogiornoAmalia GALDI,
The Jews in Southern Italy in the Middle Ages: a model of cohabitation?Mario LOFFREDO,
The dialectics with the “other one” in the light of the Slavic presences in the medieval MezzogiornoAntonio TAGLIENTE,
A dark rag or a colourful tapestry?The Islamic world as a continental element of Medieval Southern ItalyRoom C, first floor14:30 - 16:00
Panel AIPH62Speakers:
Between ruins and abandonments. Some proposals for the recovery and enhancement of the historical heritage in the Southern Italian Apennines areaErmanno BATTISTA,
Let’s have a ride. Southern itineraries between history and tourismDario MARINO,
The abandoned places of the long Southern Italy Ninentheenth Century: examples of narration for a “paesologia” of history in the international areas of the South of ItalyMichele CAPALDO,
Volti di CalitriRoom D, first floor14:30 - 16:00
Panel AIPH63Speakers:
Public History, associations and cultural blogging: exchanging experiencesLuca AL SABBAGH,
Communicating the history of dissent through the Digital & PublicHumanities: the construction of a historical-philosophical network from Ereticopedia to the CLORI AssociationSandra BACCHITTA,
Between Conservation and Divulgation: “Sgabuzzini Storici”Antonio D’ANDRIA,
Blogging and local history: the experience of “Di Storia, di storie”Armando PEPE,
The Associazione Storica del Medio Volturno and the Associazione Storica del CaiatinoRoom 4, first floor14:30 - 16:00
Panel AIPH64Speakers:
Itineraries, shapes and writing: Mediterranean and dissemination Rosa Maria DELLI QUADRI,
Mediterranean WritingsDionigi ALBERA,
Holy places shared in the Mediterranean: reflections on an exhibit itineraryAmedeo FENIELLO,
History of the Mediterranean in 20 objects: writingAlessandro VANOLI,
History of the Mediterranean in 20 objects: stagingRoom “Appia”, first floor14:30 - 16:00
Panel AIPH65Speakers:
Oral e public history: an opportunity for democratic participation?Giulia MALAVASI,
Making history with a community: the participated research of ManfredoniaGiulia MARAVIGLIA,
The collective memory of places in the process of urban regenerationMatteo DI CRISTIFARO,
Antonio CANOVI,
From sources to renewal: the Villaggio Artigiano in the west Modena and the renewal of process fostered by Ovestlab and Amigdala CollectiveTito Vezio VIOLA e Chiara PARIS,
The Museo della Battaglia di Ortona: a paradigm shift towards narration and participation